Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fit To love - Part 4

I was in the best shape of my life and I had already had coffee with a beautiful girl. Not bad for three weeks of hard work. And, yet…  I ached with love.
Does that sound desperate? Okay. But I had waited this long and, if it took a little longer, so what? 
I worked hard for the next few days. The sweat flew! I strained with the incredible weight of the world, and of my dreams. 
I began to think I was taking this a little too seriously, if not a bit too dramatically. Was I wrong? No. Just delirious.

My iPod was full of inspirational messages and affirmations. I’m da one! Here I’m is. You can’t always get what you want. But if you… 
I kept my eyeballs peeled for an opportunity. The right time. The right girl. The right song. Do you love me? Now, that I can … 
Watch me now. Uhh! There’s a lot to be said for exercise. No matter what. Right now, my endorphins were swimming with the whales.

It began to seem like I had been at this gym forever. And, yet, it had only been a month. $25! Okay, $26.75. Now, that’s a deal. 
Silent TVs hung from the ceiling. Lots of them. I got the news. I learned how to sauté. I was getting caught up on the 80s! The 90s! 
Politics became just a bunch of guys moving their mouths, saying nothing. It seemed like everyone else was a cop or dissecting a body.

On one screen, to keep us in line, I suppose, were two very hot babes and a hunky guy, exercising near a beach in Mexico. Or, Hawaii. Or…

Love was burning a hole in my pocket. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. But it was overpowering. It was as if…
As if, Little Richard had just appeared on top of the piano. As if, Caesar had just split Gaul into four pieces.  As if, General Sherman had just set fire to the Dairy Queen on the other side of town. As if, 6 were 9. As if, grits were groceries. 
This love was a love with no object. A love with no subject. A burning hunk of love. A groovy kind of love. No present and no past.

There was a love inside of me, desperate to get out. Desperate to get out and have some fun. Desperate, but not in a weird way. 
I’m an optimist. I took stock. Young, handsome, and hopeful. It would take more than this to discourage me. Loyal, brave, clean, kind… 
Cheerful, courteous, friendly, helpful, obedient, reverent, and trustworthy. Does that sound too good to be true? Okay, forget obedient.

You might think that in a context like this, love was happening to everyone, all the time. You’d be wrong. That only happens in fiction. 
For the rest of us, love is usually going down one street, while we’re going up the other. It’s going home, when we just got here. 
Hope abounds, but reality is like dirt. Easy to come by, but hard to wash off. With that in mind, I headed for the showers.

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