Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time For The Next Big Adventure!

This is it! A New Year! A new day! Just in time for right now.

I love these years. No matter what I do or don’t do, whether I’m here or in outer space, on the bus or not, in my right mind or otherwise, driving on the right or left, sinking or swimming, here or there, or everywhere, Time does just what it’s supposed to. No temptation to make holidays last all week. No, just for the heck of it, having only weekends during the summer. No switching the months around to see what might happen. Time is something we can count on. It’s a linear progression. You can dance to it.

Each new year, each new day, we are given a chance to get it right. To make things work out. To speak our minds and lead with our hearts. To remember what we don’t want to forget. To take the next step. To keep moving. To kiss and make up. To kiss and make out. To keep on the sunny side. To look for the silver lining. To breathe deeply. To smell the roses. To go where no man has gone before. To Do Wah Diddy.

You’ve got to admit, we are the lucky ducks on this pond. So, no need to hesitate. Simply go ahead on. See what’s around the corner.

Grab a partner. Take it from the top. And, sing out on the chorus.

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