Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feedback, so far.

The PDF and the downloadable Ebook edition of Ringer's Secret School of Writing's, Learn To Write Creatively has been out about two weeks now and I would like to share some of the great feedback we've received.

Thanks to everyone who is a part of this.      Book available at

Now, I see how to do it.  – James Thurber

This guy cracks me up. – Humpty Dumpty

He’s got a beard, like me. – Ernest Hemingway

What’s a metaphor, anyway? – Herman Melville

So helpful, it’s scary.  – Edgar Allan Poe

I wish they’d translate this.  – Pablo Neruda

What the hell, try it.  - Raymond Chandler

Get a pencil, some paper, and a bottle.  – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Pretty dramatic, sometimes far-fetched, but quite entertaining. – Charles Dickens

I read this before I left home. – Thomas Wolfe

I certify that it is made in the USA. - #12

A hell of a book. – Dante

Now I get it. -  James Joyce

A complete fantasy. – J.R.R. Tolkien

He can spell. - Miss Swann

Saturday, February 6, 2010

As Good As My Word

It’s not like me to say one thing and do another.  Sometimes, I want to and, sometimes, I try to, but there’s something going on that prohibits it.  It’s like a natural law – the law of gravity, the two poles of magnetism, or photosynthesis.  I can’t control it.

For example, I say I’m going to clean the garage.  It’s not like me to say that and not do it.  Of course, I take the long perspective on things and maybe I don’t clean the garage that afternoon.  It may be next week.  Or, it may be next year, but, by God, I’m going to do it.  I haven’t forgotten.

It works for me.  My wife, on the other hand, doesn’t see it like this.  She just sees the garage the way it’s always been.  She doesn’t understand the depth of my principles and the tenacity that is at the very core of my being.

I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but she has some kind of physical reaction to this kind of talk that makes her roll her eyes and turn away.  I try to reason with her and defend myself.  At least, I used to, in the beginning.

Now, I just let it go.  I think it’s an age thing.  At this point in my life, I’ve gotten to know myself fairly well and, at this point in my marriage, though I would never mention it, I have a pretty good idea of how my wife operates.

Nonetheless, I can maintain my equilibrium, because I know how I am.  That garage is in my sights.  It’s only a matter of time.  I am girding my loins, so to speak, to follow through on my promise.  I say promise, because my word is my bond.